Monday, December 23, 2013

About... Belief

A Word or Two About Belief

When you decide to take the leap into metaphysical self-improvement techniques, quantum living and magick, the one thing you will hear from everyone is that you must believe.

They tell you – and I am no different – that your belief is central to your success.

Well, that is true. And, its all fine and good to let people know that right up front. But...

But - HOW????

How the heck do we expect you to believe something works if you are new to it and have never worked with the concept before?

How do you “Know” something is going to work, when on the surface it seems all you are doing is writing nursery rhymes and walking in circles talking to the air?!

I don't.

I do not expect you to believe anything in the beginning. It is folly.

Have you ever tried to believe in something you know little about or have never experienced personally? It is nearly impossible. And, even if you trust me, just because I tell you so doesn't mean it really is. Right?

A few good instructors will tell you this:

You have to experience to learn. You can be instructed – we all can. I can't “teach” you anything!!

All anyone can do is to point you in the right direction, so that you can experience (re-member) for yourSelf.

Until you experience something, you cannot know it. And, to be successful in any endeavor, you have to know – to believe at a soul level – to experience good results with what you are doing!

The Difference Between Believing and Knowing

I might not say this right, but to me, belief is “wanting knowledge to be real.” It is more hope than anything – and it is a practice until you get to the point where you do know. Once you know, there is no need to believe.

Belief almost by nature requires justification. People fight and die for beliefs. However, in knowing, there is calm. There is no need to explain or justify, and there is no need to defend. You simply know.

It doesn't matter anymore what other people think! And, it is no longer an emotional necessity to change anyone else's point of view.

Knowledge is more than power – it is blessed FREEDOM!

For that reason, I start slow. Really slow.

For today, I want to give you a tiny little exercise that you can use to get your first (if you've never encountered this stuff before) glimpse of the power you have within and surrounding you. It is short, sweet and simple -

Play With This -

There is no special position you have to get into and no preliminary work needs be done to successfully feel the energy around you. I want you to sit or stand comfortably – this only takes a few seconds!

Simply put your hands together in front of you as if you were going to clap. Rub your palms together briskly for a couple seconds (no rules), and then pause for a brief moment, before slowly moving them to about 5 or 6 inches apart.

Notice the feeling in your palms, as you SLOWLY bring your hands closer (not touching), and move them back apart a few times.

How does it feel as you move your palms toward each other? Do they tingle? Does it feel like you are pushing them through water, or thick syrup? Is there heat, or cold? Soft? Sticky? Pins and needles?

Notice the physical feelings in your hands.

What you experience IS real!

There are no rules, and everyone feels energy slightly differently. Some will dismiss this as pressure from moving air molecules or some such other pseudo-scientific opinion. Whatever.

I understand, and I feel sorry for those folks. They live in a dead universe made of little more than inert matter.

Its rather like opening a book, reading the table of contents, and then – assuming they understand the material in the rest of the book - putting it back on the shelf. To me, its joyless. That sucks.

Frankly: there wouldn't be air molecules if there were not particles to create them with. Science already proved that those particles are created, as well as held together by the ENERGY of electrons, protons and neutrons in and around the nucleus of an atom. And even each of these have been proven to be composed of even finer ENERGY “particles” and so on and so forth. So there.

Whatever you feel is right for you – the object is to realize that it is a physical, tangible sensation. Don't dismiss this as a fairy tale. The following will help to ground the idea that this energy is not a fantasy. Its not a mirage. Its not fake. Its REAL!
Remember – everything is energy – including YOU!

We live in a living, breathing and CONSCIOUS Universe, filled with wonder, magic and mystery!!

A Mantra to Contemplate

I took a course, once upon a time. In the binder she gave us, there was a mantra we could use to begin meditations with. Because I have, over the years, found her first two lines are completely adaptable to myriads of inner work, I include only those lines here:

I am ______________.

I am alive in a Universe that is alive!

There is much power and truth in these two simple lines – and they are wonderful to simply repeat as an affirmation when you feel down, stressed, uncomfortable – or even “just because.”

Eventually I will reprint her entire entry, but for now, tuck these words into your mind and use them as needed...

Keep Experimenting... Keep PLAYING!!!

For the next few days, keep playing with this energy you've discovered. If you have a physical pain somewhere, rub those hands together and place them on that part of your body.

Play with other people if you have someone around willing to enjoy the game with you!

Get creative!!

You can focus and “send” this energy back and forth, you can play with your pets if they are willing, you can do just about anything.

Don't worry that there might be some negative “consequence.” There is no way to cause harm. None. You can't hurt yourself or anyone else – if they don't want to absorb any energy, they simply won't. If they don't want to play, it will be obvious.

Just relax and have some fun for a few days and get to know what this energy feels like – it is the very stuff of life itself.

All my love and blessings,

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