Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year - AND - New Moon in Capricorn!


One of my favorite teachers is DaKara Kies. She has a great post on her site about the writing of abundance checks, and I highly recommend you take a look. Do go have a look at: New Moon Abundance Checks

There is also a page here on the blog that explains the process, click the top tab to take you right to it!

Capricorn NM – get those plans for the New Year down in writing!!

The Exact dark phase of the moon occurred at 7:14 CDT today. The window for the energies is from December 31, 2013 through evening of January 2, 2014.

HOWEVER: the moon will be void-of-course on Thursday, January 2nd, beginning at 7:12 CDT until 1:03.

It is best to write your checks before or after, but not during the void-of-course time frame.

As per DaKara's new advice in her newsletter – be sure to also sign the back of your check as if you were going to deposit it!! I'm going to try this – every time she comes up with something new, it always seems to work even better!

Capricorn New Moon

The combined energy of the New Moon in Capricorn as well as the New Year create the perfect time for you to finish reflecting and saying good-bye to 2013, as well as for getting your intentions for 2014 down in writing.

Committing plans to writing gives them added power in several ways.

First, the act of writing itself is powerful. It requires not only thought, but also action. If you can muster feelings of the intentions already being real, that adds still more power to the process.

Also, putting things in writing means you can refer back and remember exactly what your intentions are! This gives you added power every time you re-read them, but also allows for a more concrete action should refinements be needed.

There is great power in words – choose them carefully!

Capricorn is about structure and form. Use these energies to give you a boost in effectiveness, as well as the discipline to follow through. This window is perfect for establishing exact steps to take in the direction of your goals.

While planning, pay particular attention to the way you feel as you move through the process. Your body will tell you if you are headed in the right directions! If you feel heavy, blocked or anxious, refine your ideas, or restate them in a more positive manner until your body and your mind are both comfortable.

Use the male, earthy energy to ground your plans by being strategic, practical and having points of progress so you can keep track of and celebrate all your successes!

All My Love and Blessings,

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