Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Getting to Know YOU!

Know Thyself...

Every thought, every word, every action is also energy. It has vibration. There is tone, color, light and feeling.

For the next 24 hours, simply begin the practice of noticing your thoughts, and how they make you feel.

No, this is not impossible! I know there are thousands of fleeting thoughts going through your mind, sometimes more than you can dissect. That's fine!

Just take a moment now and then to catch one!

Don't judge it, just notice what the thought was, and then take a moment to FEEL the feelings associated with it.

That's it.

Even if you can't put your finger on the exact thought itself, you can notice how you feel in your body.

Has your heart sunk, or are you smiling? Are you nervous, or angry? Depressed or elated? At peace?

It is far more important, at least for those new to these ideas, to really notice the feeling. Figuring out the thought will follow naturally – it is your Soul's way of introducing you to the idea that you are in control.

Your Soul will always be gentle. Circumstances will not.

Far better to learn what You are trying to teach you, than to constantly run around putting out fires and dodging mushroom clouds in your life!

Practice this as often as you remember to do so. It takes practice, and is a good thing to do several times a day – every day.

I know... I said “for the next 24 hours.” Well, my advice, then, would be to come back here first thing every morning and re-read this page! There simply is no more valuable knowledge on this planet than your knowledge of yourSelf. Period.

You can't own your power if you don't know your power.

All My Love and Blessings,

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