Thursday, January 9, 2014

New (and Old) Energies for a New Year

There are some new energies coming to a planet (actually, all of them!) near you for 2014. And, there are some old ones still lingering about as well.

Astrologically speaking, we've got some pretty powerful influences that continue to spark our collective imaginations as we watch old, worn-out ideas continue to crumble into the proverbial dust. We also have some planetary aspects that just might ramp up the process!

Now... By astrological, I'm not talking about those “12 sizes fits all” horoscopes you read in the morning paper, that at times are jovial enough to make you spit out your coffee! I am talking about the very real, very palpable energies that surround us as these big balls of gas and rock move their way through the galaxy.

Yes. Really.

Astrology has a bad name in many circles, I know, but that's for another post.

Right now we are concerned with just what the heck can we expect (ok, in rather general terms) as the year progresses and we live our lives.

First, there's going to be a continued emphasis on ridding ourselves of some of these institutions and practices that are more suited to babies in diapers than us toddlers who should by now be walking around in pull-ups.

The Uranus Pluto Square is still with us, meaning that we are embracing new and evolving solutions to our age-old problems. Unexpected shifts and changes, along with radically new ideas are the order of the day (or year...)

While the ride is not destined to be quite as wicked as 2013, we have to realize that it is necessary to stay grounded. The unexpected nature of changes and and often does throw us for loops, but by staying centered we can ride these energies with a sense of anticipation rather than waiting for yet another shoe to drop.

Several big players will spend time in retrograde this year, not the least of which are Mars and Saturn. The back and forth tug will wind up seeming monotonous at best. Not a note of pure chaos, but a more subtle, behind-the-scenes push and pull as the old is not wont to give up its strongholds.

Many are predicting the end of the dollar, the infinite rise of bitcoin and other monetary and currency resets. OK... We've been talking about the Amero for some time (ever since CAFTA and the Texas highway debacle), but I'm thinking its going to be a much more benign event. Still, an event it will be.

As far as “they” are concerned, another widely bantered prediction is of political wrong-doing in the form of false flag events. Certainly not unexpected in this day and age, but still a widely UN-accepted idea. My advice? Watch “Wag the Dog” until you feel clear on the concept, and then go out and do some research.

As we continue to awaken our memories of who and what we truly are as human beings, more and more stage shows will be put on for our collective “benefit.” Due to this, we can no longer afford to simply buy into whatever insane notions are being flung at us through radio, television, newsprint and the internet. We must be willing to research beyond the headlines.

The good news is: there are one hell of a lot more of us willing and actually doing this work – and we aren't staying quietly in the shadows of the collective fear mongers any longer!

Watch for a lot more of this in coming days as well.

Saturn, demonized as the planet of “karma” is really more of a planet of justice... Watch for large and small signs of this as more and more people get actively involved in supporting causes, creating change, and uplifting all areas of life across the globe.

A Non-Astrologer's Astrological Year

On January 31st, Venus goes direct, and things soften a little bit. She brings with her the energies of compassion, love and integration – which are a welcome respite from the chaotic energies of the end parts of last year. Two New Moons (Jan 1st and Jan 30) in this month make it ripe for the creation of new goals and strategies.

On February 6, Mercury goes retrograde at the first Quarter Moon. Don't get clever on Valentine's Day this year – be loving and clear with Sweetie!! He or she is apt to take things you say the wrong way, misinterpret signals, cyber gremlins will steal your romantic emails and the voice-mail ain't gonna pick up your message - so be sure that there is no misinterpretation possible. Put off anything that requires clear and concise communications, signing of contracts for purchases and such items for the next couple weeks until he returns to normal motions on February 28!

March is a busy month, with Mars (conflict) going retro on us on the 1st, followed immediately on the 2nd by Saturn (justice). More and more will be brought to light during this phase, with the emphasis on making things right. The tendency will be to over-swing the pendulum, so care is advised. We again have two auspicious New Moons this month! Take full advantage by looking at how you are handling your resolutions for this year and revamping or revitalizing your plans. New Moon on March 1st, Black Moon on March 30. We also have the spring Equinox on the 20th, a day to acknowledge and give thanks for those things working out well in our lives, as well as the coming of spring and the energies of growth and expansion!!

April's showers bring us a powerful total lunar eclipse at the Full Moon on tax day (here in the US). Can't wait to see what the Tea Party has in store for protests this year, lol. The Uranus Pluto square I mentioned earlier is exact on the 21st, so watch for lots of headlines. Super powerful change is in store, and it should be showing up right about now. This is the first (and on-going) blitz of the year. We round out the month the day before Beltaine with the annular solar eclipse on April 29th.

May's flowers will bloom relatively quietly this year, as the big influence in this month is that Mars turns direct again on the 19th. With that square going on, the effect will be a feeling of “back to normal” - but what has been normal since December of 2012 (actually, more like June 1983, but we won't go there... just yet.)

June again has a lot of interesting stuff going on – it'll be time to clear the air (in a gentle, heart-centered way, of course!) on June 7, with a Moon Mars conjunction right at the same time Mercury is again turning retrograde. Be gentle, and be nice, because of course your words have the tendency to be misconstrued at this time. Sleepy, dreamy Neptune turns retrograde on June 9, making us second-guess our goals and dreams. If it seems to be working, just stay the course. Reflection is the order of the day, and we will be doing this both on a personal as well as collective scale. Full Moon falls on Friday the 13th – which I wouldn't mention except its usually one of my LUCKY days, unlike poor Jacques Mollay. We also have Chiron turning retrograde on the 20th, and the Solstice on the 21st to round out a rousing last month of spring...

Mercury goes direct again on July 1st. While this is a GOOD thing, my personal feeling is to watch for a lot of media hype given Independence Day here in the States on the 4th. Its just too good a set-up and I can get rather cynical about politics... However, the energies state this is going to be a good time and communications are cleared up and working. Maybe its US that will send a message at this time – who knows?!?! Anyway, Saturn also turns direct on the 20th, bringing about a bit more fair play than we saw since he turned his back in March. Still, Uranus, the planet of massive change, upheaval and major shifts goes retrograde the very next day on the 21st, so my advice is to sit back and watch before coming to any conclusions or taking any major actions. Things that seem to go one way will wind up in another, and may turn out better than expected if we leave well enough alone for a little while. Since we are headed into a relatively quiet and stable August and September, making rash reactions rather than intelligent responses won't help anything much, so take it easy and see how things pan out before rushing head-long into “Save the Day” mode in both personal and cultural affairs.

Ahhhh.... August is going to be a great month!! About the most noteworthy happening is a pleasing little aspect of the Venus (love) and Jupiter (luck) conjunction occurring on August 18th, just a day after the 3rd Quarter Moon... A fine respite for such an energetic year! Be sure to spend some time just relaxing and letting it all in.

September is also quiet, with Pluto turning direct on the 22nd, the Equinox on the 23rd and the New Moon on the 24th. The easing of both tensions and other energies combine to make this a particularly great New Moon for manifesting happy changes in your personal life. Use it to full advantage!

October brings us the final Mercury retrograde of the year on the 4th. Again, refrain from anything major having to do with technology and communication if you can. The Full Moon as well as another total lunar eclipse happens on the 8th – use this one to gently remove outmoded practices, beliefs and habits during the rest of the Moon cycle. A New Moon with a partial solar eclipse occurs on the 23rd, with Mercury going direct again on the 25th. Get ideas for replacing those practices, beliefs and habits on paper at the New Moon, refine them after the 25th and then start putting them into action as She increases to Full on November 6.

Neptune returns to direct movement on November 16, renewing our visions of good things to come, and sparking all sorts of dreamy creative ideas to bring them home. Just in time for the Thanksgiving celebrations here in America, too! There's a New Moon on the 22nd to help us out, and Chiron joins in the fun and festivities by going direct on the 23rd. All in all, we should have plenty to celebrate by the time Thanksgiving rolls around on November 27th! Neptune's ability to bring things out of hiding will provide some structure to the changes coming next month, and that which was hidden will be brought into view. So, we really do have lots to celebrate this month!

December 8th brings us Jupiter moving backward through the sky until April 8 of next year. Don't bother with lotteries, lol, but do enjoy a bit of “same ole” energy while it lasts, because we get another blast of that powerful Uranus Pluto square going on again on the 15th. Big, powerful, permanent changes are again in the works. And they might look a little tedious, if not a bit frightening. Don't let it dampen the holiday spirit too much, but do practice love and patience as things seem to be going all topsy-turvey again for a while. Yule (21st) brings us interesting news as Uranus, still square with Pluto, turns direct. Things might start to make a bit more sense, and changes won't be nearly as confusing.

Just a Touch of Numerology

Numerologically, 2014 is a “7” year, which denotes shifts and growth. If you think about it, our lives shift at our “7” years as well...

We are no longer babies by the time we see seven years old. Near fourteen, we go through puberty. At 21 we are considered adults. By 28, most of us are settled into careers and family obligations. At 35, we are reaching our “success” years, and by 42 should have “made it.” And, of course, we experience that wonderful conflagration known as “The 7 Year Itch” lol! At 49, we are looking to the future, 56 planning retirement, 63 hopefully retired and enjoying some FREEDOM for a change, and so on.

So, numerologically, this is a shift year all the way through. There seem to be a couple spots with “growing pains” but all in all, we are indeed moving forward and upward, and even onward.

Combined with the astrological influences, look for this to be another year of major revelation, change and bringing out of secrets. More and more people are “waking up” and taking a good, solid look around them for the first time. Sometimes this can be shocking, sometimes upsetting, but it is ALWAYS a good thing. An awake audience is a lot harder to fool.

Remember that we are the creators of ourselves. When feeling blistered by searing light, seek the shade and enjoy the settling of a little time in nature. Remain grounded and heart-centered, and the shifts and changes due to take place this year will be more like a strong breeze than the gale force winds of 2013.

Above all, care for yourself! Take time to just sit and let the energies swirl around you. Sometimes watching is the only action you need to take.

Much Love and All My Blessings,

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