New Moon Checks

DATES: January 1 – 3, 2014

The energy of the New Moon, being on the increase, is particularly effective for drawing things to you.

One of my favorite practices is to write an Abundance Check to myself each month – no matter what else is going on.

Its best if you write your checks within 3 days after the dark of the moon. You can use an old check, one you draw yourself, or one created for you and posted at


  1. On the “Pay To” line – write your name (first and last, or magickal name(s)).
  2. Nothing goes on the “Date” line!!!!
  3. In the box and on the line for amount, write “Paid In Full” – OR – put in a specific amount.
  4. On the “Memo” line – write “Thank You!”
  5. On the “Signature” line – write “The Law of Abundance”
  6. Think on your check with excitement and joy for a moment or two, then fold it in half and tuck it in the back of a drawer or under your mattress (under about where your heart or solar plexus rests) and forget it.

I have found that it is particularly effective (especially if you are worried about money for whatever reason) to put in the specific amount of money you desire for the coming month.

If you are not yet familiar or comfortable with your own magick or with the Law of Attraction, just use “Paid in Full” so you don't wind up working against yourself through ringing doubts.

Don't worry about whether or not you are a true believer just yet if you're a newbie to this!! That's why we only think on it a minute and then put it away (out of sight is out of mind, right?!) - once you allow yourself to let it go and forget about it, then it gets to go to work for you!

All My Love and Blessings,

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